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​The Focus Weeks were pre-specified weeks along the journey where students had the opportunity to gather around shared content.  This content arose out of students individual interests, questions, and research.  Each of these weeks were hosted by one or more students, who prepared readings, content, or discussion questions for those who wished to take up the subject matter.  These weeks were open to anybody to join, especially those with a knowledge of/interest in the topics.  During these weeks, the topic of the week was exploreded during the time normally allocated for individual research.  

Focus Weeks​

Basic Income

​(22nd -27th of June)


In preparation for our node in berlin we will spend this week exploring the groundworks of basic income. How does it work practically. What are the implications of it. How does it contribute to a healthy society and where might it cause problems. We will be working from  few different sources trying to get an overview of different thinkers perspectives on the topic. There is no one specific student hosting this week. Activities will mostly include a couple shared readings and evening study group session.   


​(16th-21st of Sept.)


This week will be hosted by  Shirin Eimermacher. The Parsival legend tells the story of a naïve boy leaving home after having met some knights in the woods. He starts a long quest for the Grail castle, full of adventures. This story tells how Parsival undertakes the challenges of initiation. He suffers through and learns from his ordeals and failures. Initiation is an ongoing process beginning at adolescence and re-emerging at significant turning points in our lives. This leads to greater consciousness and transformation of the self, if we are willing to take the risks it calls for.

Every day a part of this story will be told. By underpeeling the layers of the story and opening them up for examination, we will find our way of relating to this story.


​(7th-12th of Oct.)


This week will be hosted by Caleb Buchbinder. In it we  will explore the nature of our current currency system. We will look at how it is created and what effect this has on its role in society.

The aim will be to discover what is taking place right now in the way money works and how it could be changed to better serve a healthy society. 

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